The Prize Under the Rock

The Prize Under the Rock


     On the road in front of his palace a king had his guards place a large rock. Standing hidden, the king watched to see how a passersby handled the obstruction. Most travelers simply walked around it. A few tried to roll the rock, but found it too difficult to dislodge. They gave up and went on.

     Eventually, a peasant pushing a cart full of vegetables stopped. He put his full strength behind the stone and pushed. It didn’t budge. Undeterred, he pushed again and felt some movement. He pushed again and again until he finally managed to move the rock out of the path.

     When he started on his way again, he glanced down and saw a leather bag where the rock had been. He picked up the bag, opened it, and discovered it was filled with gold coins. There was also a note from the king. It said that anyone who found the bag could have the money.

The winners in life are those who work faithfully until the barriers to fulfillment are removed. “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life”   (Revelation 2:10, NRVS)




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