She Saw the Light

     Every night a brilliant light shines on the beautiful tower of Boston Avenue Methodist Church in Tulsa. Years ago, the light was only turned on for two weeks during the Christmas Season. Then something happened which encouraged the church to keep the lights on every night of the year.

     The pastor at the time, Dr. Paul Galloway, was in the church working one night near Christmas when he heard a door open. Suddenly he heard someone nearby. A woman appeared and asked "Are you the pastor?" "Yes," he replied. Quickly the woman asked, "What do you say to someone who is going to commit suicide?"

     It turned out that she was a visitor to the city. She had come to visit her brother in Tulsa to tell him goodbye. She had decided to take her life that night in a hotl room not farm from the church. The light on the magnificent tower, however, had drawn her to the church, feeling compelled to talk to a pastor.

     Dr. Galloway counseled and prayed with her, gave her some books to read, and asked her to keep in touch with him.

     A few weeks later, the books were returned in the mail along with a letter saying that she had, with God's help, been able to get beyond her depression. Furthermore, she said that she was already in training to become a medical missionary.

     When Dr. Galloway told the church trustees about how the light had drawn the woman to the church, he read all the words the woman had written, "I want to serve as a ray of hope to others," she wrote, "as your tower's beacon of light reached out to me that night."

     From that day on, the tower has been lit every night.

~From The Church Office

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