Missions and Volunteering

A SUMMER MISSION TRIP  has been planned for June 26-July 1, 2016 at Joy Center, Big Creek Kentucky: Cost: $300 per person (We will have Fund-Raisers)



Travel to Kentucky

Monday Meet with Project Managers and Buy materials
Tuesday Work Day (Local housing repair, work in store, etc.)
Wednesday Travel to Red Bird Mission Fun Activity
Thursday Work Day
Friday Travel Home

We will stay in dorm with full kitchen, full laundry, and we will eat meals at dorm. Call Julie Burdeshaw for more information and to register to go. (850.326.0338)  Anyone wishing to help the Mission Team can designate their gift to the Mission Trip Fund Raising Lunches are planned for February 21 and April 10. Please plan to eat with the Mission Team on these dates.


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