Did Jesus Get It?

     W. C. Fields made the famous statement that children should be seen and not heard. This is not often the case in our society; although, with school out, parents might wish it were. In Jesus’s day we could say that not only were children not heard, they were generally not seen. At least they were not regarded as being an important part of society. However, when the disciples ask who is greatest in the Kingdom of God, instead of giving the expected answer of the educated, the wealthy, the respected, Jesus places children in the ultimate role. The disciples must have been saying to themselves what we hear our children say, “I just don’t get it.” Their view of greatness was not God’s view. Jesus did understand God’s way, and he proclaimed children as the gateway to the Kingdom of God.


     During the summer months we have more opportunities to be around children. Watch them. Observe their tender relationships with Jesus. They come to Jesus humbly, Joyfully, and without pretense. As we grow older in our faith, we can learn valuable lessons from children about what it means to be great in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said that unless you become like a little child, you will not enter the Kingdom of God. The question is not did Jesus get it, but do we get it?                             ~ Blessings, Jason

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