How to Follow Jesus Without Embarrassing God

Posted by Jason Thrower on with 0 Comments

       In the movie “Oh God!” John Denver plays a young man who keeps getting messages from God that he’s suppose to relate to the rest of us. In one scene he goes to hear an evangelistic preacher over-dramatize all the negative qualities of being a preacher. The John Denver character interrupts the preacher’s sermon to tell him that God has a special message just for him. The preacher stops the service. He announces to the audience this young man has come with a message from God. John Denver looks straight at the preacher and says, “God wants you to shut up because you’re embarrassing Him!”


     Over the years all of us have said and done things that surely must have embarrassed God. Sometimes we have been prideful, sometimes we have said things that undoubtedly have made God shudder. Even as we try to follow Jesus there are times when we behave in ways which must make God and Christianity seem ridiculous to those outside the faith.


     The disciples could not see past their own depressing situation (Mark 4:35-41) following Jesus without embarrassing God. Yes, even the disciples were guilty at times of embarrassing Jesus. They lacked the faith that Jesus wanted them to have. “Why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?” If Jesus was here in the flesh would he ask us these questions?


     Jesus is able to calm the storms of life. During the storms of life there can be teachable moments. God is still speaking. Jesus is near. The question is, are we willing to listen and respond as He leads us? Can people see Jesus alive and well in our lives and in our church?


                                       ~ Seeking to follow Jesus alongside of you, Jason



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